Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Saturday June 7th - I worked on a truck’s a/c compressor and other thing till noon. Hauled a few loads and then loaded up all the equipment till dark. We are done in Texas.

Sunday June 8th - Left for Thomas Ok at 7:30 am and arrived at about 11:00. Relaxed rest of day and headed to town in the evening for some supper. Came back and watched a movie.

Monday June 9th - Rain 4 inches early morning, water was running every where. Made a mud mess in the yard where we were parked unloading the equipment. Did main. on the combines.

Tuesday June 10th - Hauled wheat about 50 miles for the local elevator all day. Hauled six loads. Nice to have something to do while we aren’t cutting.

Wednesday June 11th - Hauled two more loads for the elevator till noon and then headed for the field. Started cutting about 2 pm and it went good till about midnight when one combine got stuck in mud up to his axles and the other machine went over to help and he hit a soft spot and his one wheel sunk to just about the top of the rim. We called it night and will worry about them in the morning.

Thursday June 12th - Pulled the combines out with a big John Deere versatile tractor and started cutting. Hauled 8 loads which is 8000 bushels and worth about 50-60 thousand dollars. The elevators put millions of dollars of wheat through their setups.

Friday June 13th - Cut all day and quit at about 11 because it got tough.

Saturday June 14th - Didn’t start cutting till about noon because it gave a good dew overnight. Cut till 12:30 and called it a day.

Sunday June 15th - Went to a Methodist church and went in to the city (Oklahoma City) for lunch and to meet up with the new guy, Chad. Went to a church picnic for supper.

Monday June 16th - Rained last night so we didn’t start cutting till after noon and then got rained out about 4. Hauled for the local elevator for the rest of the day.

Tuesday June 17th - Rained again last night. Decided to load up and move to Kansas in the morning so we gave every thing a bath and got it loaded up by late afternoon. Went to the local elevator were got to know the guys that worked there. Went up the man lift to the top (125 ft) and saw how things are done. Then we went to an drilling rig which was drilling for natural gas. They were at about 7200 ft and were going to drill to 11,700 ft. They drill a 7 1/8 in. hole and can drill about 600-700 ft per day. Went to Weatherford for supper.

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